Arogya Aishwarya Pasupatham Homam


A Welcome Ceremony of 2016 – Arogya Aishwarya Pasupatham Homam

Aishwaryam means “Wealth”, Arogya means “Good health”, Special Fire Ritual to Invite Arogayam and Aishwaryam together into your life in this New Year 2016.

Arogya Pashupatam:


It is essential to keep health in a good condition for overcoming potential threats in life. There are many ways which are available for improving health conditions to increase the life span of a person. Arogya Pashupatam Homam ensures health throughout your lifetime.

Arogya Aishwarya Pasupatham Homam - vedicfolks

arogaya aishwarya pasupatham homam

Benefits of Arogya Pashupatam Homam:


•          The key Point of Performing this homam is to upgrade your lifespan by wellbeing issues.

•          This homam can make huge impact on both body and brain with positive thinking.

•          Major Health issues like Stress can be reduced and Peace of mind can be experienced by taking part in this homam.

•          It increases a longevity and wellbeing of a person by reducing all health Problems.

•          This homam helps in leading a healthy life.


Aishwarya Pashupatam Homam:


Aishwarya pashupatam homam brings wealth and prosperous life. It is rare fire ritual. Here Supreme Goddess Lakshmi bestows wealth and Lord Vishnu is the protector of life. In this homam we invite Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi to give combined blessings to make successful life.

Benefits of Aishwarya Pashupatam Homam:


•          It is suitable one for ensure happiness and prosperity in larger extent.

•          This homam helps in getting Divine Protection in all situations from supreme Powers.

•          This homam gives ways to achieve goals in an effective way. It ensures excess income in multiple ways.

•          It provides ways for overcoming debts and financial difficulties.

This is the rare homam Arogya Aishwarya Pashupatam Homam which is a Welcome ceremony of 2016. Invite New Year by get blessings from two divine couples Lord Shiva Goddess Parvati and Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi.

This ritual includes Ganapati Homam, Rare Arogya and Aishwarya Pashupatam Homam, Lord Rudra Homam with Durga Suktha Homam, Aishwarya Lakshmi Narayana Japa and Homam, Sri Suktha Homam.

This Rare Package of Homam on New Year 2016 brings a bright life ahead with good health without any health hazards and prosperity to lead a wealthy life.