Healing Services

Problems at home can take a toll on your health. If things do not work out with your spouse, children, siblings, parents, in-laws etc., your health conditions could go from bad to worse. Peace and harmony at home is the root cause for good health. If not, stress and tension would set in making life a mess.

Vedic Folks offer healing services to clients facing problems due to relationships going astray. Apart from offering remedial services to set things right, Vedic Folks also offer healing services as our clients’ health and well-being are our priority.


Reiki can cure a lot of ailments without the application of medicine and surgery. The transferring of Life Energy by a mere touch or stroke will help the patient greatly. We at Vedic Folks suggest this healing service for our clients suffering from stress and tension predominantly.

Pyramid Services

Pyramid Services are also offered to our clients seeking remedies for their relationship woes. Troublesome relationships that disturb peace at home should be mended. But prior to that, the health conditions should also be taken into account because a good health is necessary for a fruitful life. Check out the Pyramid Services at Vedic Folks for more details.

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