Karma Remedial Services

Are you bogged down by a specific problem? Don’t know what remedial measures would help solve it? Well, it is time to opt for our Karma Remedial Services at Vedic Folks. We have an answer to every situation – good or bad.  Our astrologers will suggest remedial services such as homams and vasthu changes depending on the clients’ preferences and karma.


Homams are a powerful remedial tool. When the homams are performed by qualified priests having the expertise, it will give the best possible results, no doubt. There are a number of homams with each of them significant in their own right. Our astrologers will be able to guide you on this further.


Altering the building according to the recommendations of Vasthu experts will give the desired results soon. Clients at Vedic Folks have by and large benefitted due to the Vasthu changes undertaken on our recommendation.

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