Rahu Mantra And Ketu Mantra

Rahu Mantra


Dhyana Mantra:


Om Karalabadanah Khadgacharmashooli varapradah

Neelasimhasanasthashra Rahuratra prasasyate ||


Rahu Graha Mantra:

Om Bhram Bhrim Bhrou Sah Rahuve Namah ||


Beej Mantra:


Ram Rahuve Namah ||


Gayatri Mantra:


Kaya Naschitra aa Bhuvaduti sadavriddhah sakha |

Kaya shachistha vritta ||


Ketu Mantra


Dhyana Mantra:


Om Dhumro dwibahukashraiva gahano vikritananah

Gridhasanagato nityam ketuh sarvavarapradah ||


Ketu Graha Mantra:


Om Tram Trim Troum Sah Ketave namah ||


Ketu Beej Manta:


Kem Ketuve Namah ||


Gayatri Mantra:


Ketum Krinvavvaketave pesho marya Apeshase |

SamushadBhira jayathah ||

How To Organise Rahu Ketu Homam

Rahu and Ketu homam can be organized with Vedicfolks, a reputed Vedic firm which offers valuable services. Vedicscholars and expert priests will give ideas for doing the homam with powerful mantras and fire rituals to experience positive energies on the body. One can book the event through online anytime in an easy manner. The homam also includes live TV shows for watching it from anywhere in the world.

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