Soma plant is of great significance in ayurvedic areas; it is defined as a composite of lunar energy. The plant is prominently called the nectar of gods. In scientific terminology, the soma plant is known as Ephedra gerardiana. This plant provides numerous boons to people. This plant is used to make Vedic soma drinks. Generally, the fruits and branches of soma are consumed by people. Soma is a mysterious plant and a hub of numerous medicinal benefits.


The link between soma plant and Indian mythology 


Soma plant acquires an elaborative link with the Indian mythological history and culture. Soma drink, which is prepared by squeezing its fruits, is considered the elixir of immortality. The great scriptures state that great gods, including mighty Indra and Agni Deva, used to drink it, and they were courageous and immortal because of it. Our great Puranas, including Rigveda and Gita, mention soma plants’ pious usage for medical and spiritual practices.


In Rigveda, the soma plant is defined as the plant which means creator of the gods. This plant is closely linked with the mighty warrior king Indra. Our sacred scriptures mention that warriors consumed this plant before going to big wars as it used to be a great source of energy and revitalisation. Soma is extensively used in making Vedic sacrifices and in spiritual practices. Atharva Veda describes this healing plant as the king of medicinal plants. In the Vedic scriptures, soma is also defined as a bestower of prosperity and riches.


The ayurvedic implication of soma plant 


In the ayurvedic realm, soma is a nervine herb. The rich ayurvedic properties of soma align the heart and mind. The ayurvedic properties of soma help live a healthy and affluent life. Rasa or the taste of soma has Kashaya or astringent properties. The guna of this plant is Laghu or light and highly beneficial for digestion as soma is ruksha or dry and smooth in nature. Veerya or potency of this herb is Ushna or hot in nature. Kapha Vata shamak- the ayurvedic characteristic of this plant aids in eliminating Kapha and Vata dosha in the body.


Benefits of soma plant-


The fascinating part about the soma plant is that it is not only of incredible Vedic importance, but it also nurtures human lives by providing various other windfalls. Following are a few impeccable benefits of the soma plant-


  • The extract of the soma plant is mixed with honey for treating cough and cold.

  • Soma plant is also used for preparing medications against asthma. This plant has the potential of curing mild, acute as well as chronic asthma.

  • The branch and fruit of the plant are highly vital for treating high fever.

  • This ayurvedic herb works like magic for treating urine infections.

  • Muscular and joint pains can vanish by the regular use of the soma plant.

  • The Soma plant also assists in strengthening weak cardiac muscles. This plant’s extract prevents the risk of severe cardiovascular diseases.

  • Soma plant’s fruit also plays an integral role in treating digestive disorders.

  • The soma Vedic ritual drink aids in alleviating all the nerves of the body, imparting soothing effects to the body.

  • The consumption of soma plants alleviates tensions and imparts relief from stress, depression and anxiety.


Soma plant acquires a great significance in the ayurvedic and Vedic realms. The plant is enriched with numerous healing and remedial elements. This auspicious plant is a boon discovery of Indian mythology.