Aquarius horoscope 2017


Symbol is water bearer and is the 11th sign in the zodiac calendar.  Aquarious born are humanitarian, progressive minded, possess good intuition, friendly, unbiased, have sense of justice, modern and practical, love freedom and action, great inventors, sometimes indecisive, compassionate, sensitive, intelligent, affectionate, secretive, loners, attractive, gentle, admirers of beauty, gentle, unconventional, unpredictive, possess good knowledge, and analytical skills, make good scientists, doctors, inventors, patient, persevering, stubborn, philanthropic, interesting, charming people, intellectuals, logical, practical, accommodating, flexible, adaptive, romantic, freedom loving, discoverers, adventurers, visionaries, cheerful, social, generous, compassionate, supportive, encouraging, and optimistic.


You will enjoy good health in the coming year 2017.
The best diet for you is which consists of eatables that are good for your circulatory system and keep their blood sugar level in check. Walnuts, ocean fish, pears, lemons, oranges, apples, oysters, radishes, corn, peaches, lobster, lettuce, tuna, clams and grapefruit are good for you. Avoid sweets and carbonated drinks. Please take lots of nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables. Take herbal tea instead of coffee as caffeine does not suit you. You are susceptible to bone injuries and fracture as you have a weak bone structure and care should be taken in this regard. However, you have a strong digestive system and can digest anything easily. Please go for your daily morning walks of 10 kms to keep sugar and cholesterol levels under control. Take lot of water and preferably warm water as and when possible. Intake of fruit juices will help improve vigour and stamina. Take noni juice everyday with lots of water to remove toxins deep inside your body.

Career and profession


It will be a good year for you professionally. You will see success and prosperity. All plans and goals will be achieved. All projects will be completed on time. You sincerity, hard work, creativity, talent and skills will be recognized and suitably rewarded by way of promotions, increments, performance bonus. People looking for change of job will get lucrative jobs with good salaries and better designation. Businessmen will be happy with good sales, good income, good profits with good margins and recovery of payment will be good. Arrears and dues will be cleared. Cash flow will be good.

Finance and Property

Strong finances with steady income and surplus cash. Savings for a secure future is advised. Sale of land and property during February 2017 will bring windfall gains. Some of you will buy new vehicles in February. Previous loans taken to purchase property will be reclosed. Some can expect inherited property.


Happiness and joy in the family. You will go outstation to some exotic hill station with your family and get the much needed relaxation.
Peace and co-operation with colleagues in the office. Smooth relationship with customers, suppliers and the management.


1.    Take bath in the sangam treveni at Allahabad and take your parents and family with you.
2.    Visit Hanuman Temples on Saturdays and offer betel leaves, thulasi, butter and flowers
3.    Help the education of a handicapped child
4.    Do annadanam on Saturdays
5.    Make a visit to Meenakshi Temple, Madurai – you can contact for more details
6.    HOMAM
Please perform KAMALA DEVI HOMAM – please contact for this specialized homam.